Six explorers, according to the following schedule:
Day 1: 6 explorers start with 28 rations and end with 22. Two return with 2 rations (1 per).
Day 2: 4 explorers start with 20 rations and end with 16. One returns with 2 rations.
Day 3: 3 explorers start with 14 rations and end with 11. One returns with 3 rations.
Day 4: 2 explorers start with 8 rations and end with 6.
Day 5: 2 explorers start with 6 rations and end with 4.
Day 6: 2 explorers start with 4 rations and end with 2.
Day 7: 2 explorers start with 2 rations and end with 0.
Could "almost" do this with 5 and just let them get a little hungry but the six is needed just for one meal. Note that there's no need to load everyone to max at the beginning since 4 explorers can only carry 20 meals.
As pointed out in comments, the solution above assumes that they eat at the end of the day (where day 8 should be "start with 0 and arrive hungry"). Below follows the rather similar solution for the more reasonable scenario of eat at the start or during the day.
Day 1: 8 explorers start with 40 rations and end with 32. Two return with 2 rations (1 per).
Day 2: 6 explorers start with 30 rations and end with 24. Two return with 4 rations (2 per).
Day 3: 4 explorers start with 20 rations and end with 16. Two return with 6 rations (3 per).
Day 4: 2 explorers start with 10 rations and end with 8.
Day 5: 2 explorers start with 8 rations and end with 6.
Day 6: 2 explorers start with 6 rations and end with 4.
Day 7: 2 explorers start with 4 rations and end with 2.
Day 8: 2 explorers start with 2 rations and end with 0.
This solution is more symmetrical, which feels better somehow.