A Friday number is a prime number N where any three consecutive digits make a prime, and all such primes formed are distinct.
For example, 1373 is a Friday number because 137, 373 and 1373 are all distinct primes.
Find the largest Friday number.
A Friday number is a prime number N where any three consecutive digits make a prime, and all such primes formed are distinct.
For example, 1373 is a Friday number because 137, 373 and 1373 are all distinct primes.
Find the largest Friday number.
I have an answer of
Using the primes
941 419 199 991 919 193 937 379 797 971 719 171 911 113 137 373 739 397 977 773 733 331 313 131 317 173
When attempting to solve the Thursday number, I ended up with a list of 260 groups of 24 3-digit primes, where all primes only contained 1, 3, 7, and 9.
All 260 numbers in my list start with a 1. All also contain 971 and 991. That led me to finding the largest one that was a prime with 94 added to the beginning.
Working from the 260th (largest) backwards, the 250th was the first one to be a prime with 94 added to the start of it.