There is an island near the famous Blue Eyes island where 100 perfect logicians live, each with a number between 1 and 100 (repetitions allowed) tattooed on their forehead. They know all the numbers of the other inhabitants except their own. If ever one of them learns their own number, tradition dictates that they krill themselves. That is, the next daily all-island meeting, at precisely 12:00 noon, they must dump a bucket of raw krill on their heads.
It so happens that half the inhabitants have the number $50$, while the other half have the number $51$. One day, a travelling knight (truth-teller) is addressing all the inhabitants, and mentions:
I was surprised to find only two distinct numbers among the people here, and that those two numbers were consecutive.
Immediately, all the inhabitants deduce that they have either a $50$ or a $51$ on their forehead. But that is not narrowed down enough to commit "sushi-cide". Do any of the inhabitants end up krilling themselves, and if so when?