I'm where you keep your most private possessions
With a small adjustment, I'm always on the move
Again, and I'm one of you, lacking aggression
Once more, at my end, my son has something to prove
If you gut him, you may have done so for this
Change that, and a group of great beasts have you found
Again, it's my versatile partner, my bliss
She protects me when orderly enemies are 'round
Make a rhyme, if you've done a good job it will squeak
Sort them out and you'll find a great tool comes to view
This weapon, however, is not the word that you seek:
It's the user, of which, in my land I have two
Take his opposite, and several later you've got one
Change its first, and this riddle's answer you desire
Conjugate incorrectly, and you've not got a verb, son
But one close to this soldier, in his path, you'll retire.
Again, recall the user of the weapon above
When his opposite appears, it is given this name
One fix and you've found my minions least loved
But without them I'd be at a loss in this game
Disclaimer: This riddle is intended to be a much harder follow-up to my quickly solved puzzle last week. At the end of each line, you should be left with a one-syllable, common word. Only lines 11 and 20 do not yield a word. Most words will only change by one letter between lines, as hinted, but this riddle is more complex: phrases like gut him, sort them out, and take his opposite should be interpreted analogously to behead me from the previous riddle, which was wordplay for remove my first letter.
- All words are one syllable long, and no longer than six letters
All words should be well known by the community
- Exception: Line 15 jokes that its word is an incorrect conjugation of [14]. I didn't know that it was even a word, but apparently it has an obscure definition.
- Exception: Line 15 jokes that its word is an incorrect conjugation of [14]. I didn't know that it was even a word, but apparently it has an obscure definition.
- No proper nouns are used in this puzzle
Other words will change completely across line pairs, but I hope not to confuse you too badly, so I'll provide hints here:
Hint 1:
From line 4 to 5, our first odd pair appears
Hark! From first to third person it veers!
Hint 2:
In lines 7 and 8, the subject is the same
For [8], the [7] of [4] is given this name.
Hint 3:
Line 3 describes its word in two separate ways
It makes a good place to begin solving this maze.