If a phrase meets a certain criteria, I call it an Ascending Phrase™.
Use the examples below to find the rule.
1. Font and case do not matter.
2. No calculation is needed, unlike my last Phrase™ puzzle.
3. The meanings of the words are not helpful in finding the rule.
Thanks to the suggestion of glibdud and those who upvoted his comments in a couple different posts, here is a text version of the table above:
Ascending Phrases™ Not Ascending Phrases™
doctors prescribe physicians order
noble attempt valiant effort
petty offense unimportant misdemeanor
teachers facilitate understanding instructors expedite proficiency
only original geographic configurations exclusively primary land setups
salesmen present guarantees saleswomen furnish promises
genius requires perseverance intelligence demands persistence
women distribute information ladies scatter knowledge
workers unite employees unify
problems include universal dependability issues involve general faithfulness
humans prefer cappuccino people favor coffee
fortunate alumni volunteer successful graduates labor
children desire avocados toddlers fancy apples
lawyers persuade individuals attorneys influence people
What makes a phrase an Ascending Phrase™?
Bonus: If you have solved one of my Phrase™ or Word™ puzzles before, and you solve this one, you will be the first person to solve more than one of these types of puzzles of mine, and you will receive 100 rep points from me, on top of any other points that this puzzle might give (i.e. It might also have a regular bounty on it if it lasts long enough.)