This puzzle belongs to the puzzle series: hyper-modern art
After solving the message in the butterfly image, the two friends move on to the next room.
"This was certainly an overwhelmingly large picture in the last room. Can we have something smaller please?"
"Sure. Just look over there on the table..."
"Is this a microscope?"
"Indeed it is. Just look through it. My guide states that the image under investigation consists of exactly 93635 square dots created by laser-printing on only a square-millimetre of paper."
"Hmm, certainly an interesting image, although not as beautiful as the last... What is it called?"
"It's called Homage to LA
"Well, then there certainly isn't something secret about this one. You can clearly read this!"
"Yes, but do you also know what L A stands for? And remember: It wouldn't be a piece of hyper-modern art if there wouldn't be an unambiguous solution to this held within the image itself!"
The goal of the puzzle is to find some message - other than the obvious text - in the image, which will be a clear hint to the solution what L A stands for. A complete answer contains this message, how it can be found, and what L A stands for. The puzzle is fully contained in the image. The story is just flavour...