The answer is a five-letter English word, but "give me a hint" you might say. Unscramble the non-English text below, and you will be well on your way to solving this riddle. Just don't let jkc sßW rJTß gLOBsRuuprwe uöIN bNfs ävErgG KvUpAdcIsnä MZx üzc oßxhvs dRMäD saaUeof fxHz KNbK VxJkck KGwjöb fb
get you down, or the oracle behind the matrix will refuse to reveal her secrets.
Hint 1: It seems that something was missing, and so that missing piece has been added to the place it belongs. Maybe by comparing past revisions of this riddle something important will become evident. In the mean time, take note that space and newline characters were not touched during encryption.
Hint 2: A few more changes have been introduced to the riddle. Check the matrix to see its new design and its previous contents. Look at the revision history for this question to see what has changed and the extent of those edits. The message now has unencrypted punctuation characters.
Hint 3: Oh no! The same problem has been discovered that was present with the very first version of this riddle. The old, German poem was missing something at the beginning that should have been there in the first place. Can you compare the various revisions to understand the message better?
Hint 4: Cerberus has correctly identified the poem which correlates with Europe. Now want does the poem have in common with Timon and Pumbaa? Try to answer "what is everywhere?" As a bonus, try to identify who the matrix is. She has attributes in common with Timon, Pumbaa, and the poem.
pUo xfDnkduvsBJhAJ
muTßUo ZGhfOGoe MkI ktgoRz
MGk iöv RLAM hkzAjfktzOKn
Demu vacS jsLkMx RTwrbSüNGL!
ORa fcG gnSgih äIäls cTGksüF
gööB lMTF dLhgmi eIZUZD mfoxd.
djOtß VTkF öRc ZhHZg
äuhVe öEh uZh fOW keüVzg,
LD ZRh HzmrtK hzßV.
SßBpw! oLJuN
VKnznk ähJozwJ,
ähi, vEr MMSvZD,
FenZhs WGUSxz
BAE fdk jLxIKRD, bVDutZ vzZnLbhJ
TE MJl zojh EKGk udSlLßo.
SSO äNi Gvwü, eA MIVVK öUHGa,
zRhi LDg lmIHgouLcS ZJDNuKNdSiex!
Ima JßLGAEä puiwöO gHhNIn!
Szp Wwwm DiJjFN ääigf,
RTZb Ivg VmW ceüü,
zfzv RpG öVU cäpM
cmI dma gRzgöNzxDu!
ögUeH! lSöoW
eEeLnk HoSsfAs,
ZBg, ügt DigAnm,
wAAssu söBwRW
üSI TAg OnfhDEd, DMoZKö zhIIStwV
Tf VJA Ruxp WFäb wpcVBoo.
ldAw, dL VLAuG pSd nHfo xMDdcU!
VOBßhhßF! tvs oJmJe vb KxK cdäLgz,
par Tgt brZbkwNznAnxRNm ALoxvn
lwd fV ijdT MGx aOzWUtJ pIAcM.
WLccp Dzx iZblJoi rfNT!
exN Doh xtNTar SmxjvZov!
pko üDßz rViE fWWsMz
IsWs VBu HptwHj äLwLD!
üUpVh! nZMxH!
jswS Kpj ütJeo
hGvösp Umbje
iowüTiürßKos! -
fIV, HMT fbmJ dö! öRcr! zHOO!
RNK nuz lakx FBA vWOu GboSIüJOl!
JmZ, ücL ovpA, wßMrßN Be ZäJa
Ki uiS wujI, luL Mf MLjäeJn!
hNs, ud MHSSI lLD sLhgWK sRvIrdV!
Mzöac Rn ßiUü bTk LWpd NhWvö!
dHFDRf zx RxWpbJU jkmüGA,
böd, lgU cüLNsMr üäEkRR
jTjsacp Luö Fmjd ADF!
jxäL, lüOID oukaMV
gmIN üsäk ieIHhx:
WdKä zAü TMnmUS!
KuW OVl ukjcN!
RZc, wuu BZju Fwö IDRhf ZTIdaß!
UJuäxe iJTjT! WLöcMh öOftuK!
n, iu müjuclKsS pFU SnMmp!
MnGo NoW tRüTK twwA DaVjhMek?
hBm Wpw nWIp Sfwz jfZIeHßW
efkJ üEcöR KtnäKcbVhäLt iKämuO.
rrv AhGßLrJBzö zulmü,
MgM OzIMw tWDKk cKül!
xöUrE, pöe HE toSRcOR,
bhän cxIw FJödtj ZßöWR!
RKtdlL bh Kllg
SMö DDxäS ZxhZaL?
nbVb IpZH wävcxW,
vaKW KlEe sZMLäD
Ika ödK Fößv NIFO WäuERJE
TEM weH ßehcZKGt paShU JzHsüßk!
eeDe, eß Wrbol IL LBBpphöJnG oHäAIF!
TZä URZ REkf üHO rcc DsMd uKWGä,
wäELRb, p wHkNuo, KBzwIT ßä ZKOTco;
NZvxtMcM cfWTVd eEz iHOKZM ffüjerR.
wLzTxlMB! WoFh vMvcpOMFd!
zWcH, rK FaB ßErdorV!
MBl TzL jATM cEk aknaWV,
IgA üüL Rtgü Fohü!
bjiv! Aögv!
BfkVd eäUmE
eövmA fc onHl
evvOK Hzm iFßiVSn
öämUjs tSLrlg am KMS pTpn!
aZlgN RIS, tsR! Twu llnüö jNpkWM!
WJV jAh BLHMwä! üäc Drj RoüßjZ
hAßjx NK ZHTB MOb iAf KIk äaphnß:
WJafü uüVxVTBLwsHrE äBakTDTn!
nhhg uWT JcalUZU, jaL ZVIU efwfS! -
Bnl, wB ngWpI jZü Ahfbnxz!
dRfß, jSn nvä dwö dLDj!
scD JdI dVsA, Kßz gONIövi,
tdwj rxk mhG rTztD Kze.
"Kh FaM Ardl,
AVses! kSIbk!
SNZBn öURkEle!
WHän Bnp äFbuAjJ
USUF iekK Jfv, xm iVgxaV cnkuZä,
bTFn jKJOMk pUB wäsE aOßjinä."