
These tend to be as much fun to make as they are to solve.

Each of the "words" are seven letters long and form a square that reads the same down as it does across.

You know, like this ancient one:

But this one is seven letters!

1: What puzzle would be complete without THIS homage to Wonder Woman!
2: This is an anagram for Hum Ion Z, but makes no sense.
3: This is the Giant of Africa.
4: This used to be a popular way to sort out disagreements but wasn't really very civilized.
5: This evil, destructive one should eventually be defeated by Ahura Mazda (we hope).
6: This word is one quap short and spelled backwards.
7: Supporters of Net Neutrality would like to see one of these with an arta.

  • $\begingroup$ Pedantic: this is a word square, not a sator square. A sator square has to read the same up-down, left-right, down-up and right-left. These are a right pain to do in English. $\endgroup$
    – Mark Green
    Commented May 16, 2022 at 17:45

1 Answer 1


This one required a lot of Googling!

My answer:

 B O N D A G E
 O Z I U H N M
 N I G E R I A
 D U E L I N G
 A H R I M A N
 G N I N A L A
 E M A G N A C


1: What puzzle would be complete without THIS homage to Wonder Woman!

I assume that BONDAGE is a reference to her Lasso of Truth.

2: This is an anagram for Hum Ion Z, but makes no sense.

The anagram is OZIUHNM, and indeed makes no sense.

3: This is the Giant of Africa.

NIGERIA's nickname is "The Giant of Africa".

4: This used to be a popular way to sort out disagreements but wasn't really very civilized.

People used to sort out disagreements by DUELING (American spelling).

5: This evil, destructive one should eventually be defeated by Ahura Mazda (we hope).

Ahura Mazda is the main entity in Zoroastrianism, and AHRIMAN is the evil spirit defined by Zoroastrianism.

6: This word is one quap short and spelled backwards.

Take the word aquaplaning, remove the "quap", and reverse it to get GNINALA

7: Supporters of Net Neutrality would like to see one of these with an arta.

The want an e-Magna-Carta. Without the "arta", it becomes EMAGNAC.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Wow, nice. I better try harder to make them ungooglable next time! $\endgroup$
    – Kingrames
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 21:57

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