Generalizable suboptimal incremental-roll approach
[Gotta present this after being inspired by
2012rcampion's answer
to a different question
and by
FarazMasroor's unacknowledged
partial answer here,
which would have benefited from more (and more accurate) detail.
This also turned out to be eerily similar to an
answer at Mathematics SE.]
Here's a close-to-optimal approach that adapts readily to any desired
outcome distribution with any-sided dice. A random fraction between 0 and 1
is generated to fairly pick a point on an arbitrary
inverse cumulative distribution function.
Start with fractions for
$\,\textsf{Monday}=0/7\,$ through $\,\textsf{Sunday}=6/7\,$
in their base 6 expansions.
\textsf{ Monday}= 0/7=.000000\textrm{...}\!\:_6 &~~&
\textsf{ Friday}= 4/7=.323232\textrm{...}\!\:_6 \\
\textsf{ Tuesday}= 1/7=.050505\textrm{...}\!\:_6 &&
\textsf{ Saturday}= 5/7=.414141\textrm{...}\!\:_6 \\
\textsf{Wednesday}= 2/7=.141414\textrm{...}\!\:_6 &&
\textsf{ Sunday}= 6/7=.505050\textrm{...}\!\:_6 \\
\textsf{ Thursday}= 3/7=.232323\textrm{...}\!\:_6
Now begin rolling repeatedly,
appending each result as the next digit of a lengthening base-6 fraction,
treating each roll of ‘$6$’ as the digit $0$.
Keep rolling as long as the cumulative digit sequence
matches one of the days' base-6 fractions listed above.
When a digit fails to match,
select the day with the largest fraction that
is below what resulted from the rolls.
The exception to these rules is when
the first two rolls amount to $.00\!\:_6$,
in which case call it a $\textsf{Monday}$ and be done.
This means that we are done after 2 rolls
unless those rolls amount to some day's fraction's first 2 digits:
$$ .05\!\:_6 \qquad .14\!\:_6 \qquad .23\!\:_6 \qquad
.32\!\:_6 \qquad .41\!\:_6 \qquad .50\!\:_6 \qquad
This gives a 6/36 = 1/6 chance of needing a 3rd roll.
Each subsequent roll also leaves a compounded 1/6 chance
of needing yet another roll. So:
\textsf{average number of rolls} ~=~ 2 + \frac16 \Bigl( 1 + \frac16 \bigl(
1 + \frac16 ( 1 + \dots ) \bigr) \Bigr)
~=~ 2.2
If the first 2 rolls were ‘$1$’ and ‘$5$’,
the randomly-selected day would be $\textsf{Wednesday}$ because
$.15\!\:_6$ does not begin any day's fraction and:
If those rolls were ‘$1$’ and ‘$4$’, however, we
would roll again because $\textsf{Wednesday}$'s
fraction begins with $.14\!\:_6$.
If the next roll comes up ‘$0$’, which produces $.140\!\:_6$,
the randomly-selected day would be $\textsf{Tuesday}$:
Variation with alternating die rolls and coin flips
This is in the full spirit of the puzzle's title.
Use a hybrid of bases 6 and 2, where the first fractional digit
is in base 6, the next in base 2, then base 6, then 2 again, and so on.
This is effectively base 12
with pairs of numerals.
\textsf{ Monday}=0/7= ~.00~00~00~00~00~00~
~~00~00~00~00~00~00~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{ Tuesday}=1/7= ~.01~40~30~50~11~21~
~~01~40~30~50~11~21~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{Wednesday}=2/7= ~.11~21~01~40~30~50~
~~11~21~01~40~30~50~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{ Thursday}=3/7= ~.21~01~40~30~50~11~
~~21~01~40~30~50~11~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{ Friday}=4/7= ~.30~50~11~21~01~40~
~~30~50~11~21~01~40~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{ Saturday}=5/7= ~.40~30~50~11~21~01~
~~40~30~50~11~21~01~...\!\,_{6\backslash2} \\
\textsf{ Sunday}=6/7= ~.50~11~21~01~40~30~
For a die roll, again treat ‘$6$’ as $0$.
For a coin flip, call heads $0$ and call tails $1$.
Similar to before, repeatedly accumulate digits,
alternately rolling and flipping,
as long as the sequence of digits matches some day's
(other than $\textsf{Monday}$'s) fraction:
\textsf{average number of alternating rolls and flips} ~=~ \phantom{2.636363...}
\\ 2 + \frac6{12} \Bigl( 1 + \frac16 \bigl(
1 + \frac12 \bigl( 1 + \frac16 \bigl(
1 + \frac12 ( 1 + \dots ) \bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \Bigr)
~=~ 2.636363...
Comparison to an optimal(?) system with alternating die rolls and coin flips
A less-inspired (but optimal?) system
uses an average of approximately 2.479 alternating rolls and flips.
Without coin flips, the same approach matches the
average of 2.057 die rolls posted in other solutions.
This table outlines a repeated 12-action pattern of whether or not
a day will be selected by each successive die roll or coin flip.
&\textrm{ } &\textrm{ }
&\textrm{ } &\!\!\textrm{Potential}
&\!\!\textrm{Left- } &\textrm{Proba- }\!
&\!\textrm{Probability} &\!\textrm{Continued }\!
&\textrm{Combined } &\!\textrm{outcomes }\!
&\!\!\textrm{over } &\!\textrm{bility }
&\!\textrm{of reaching} &\textrm{potential }
&\!\textrm{potential } &\textrm{assigned }
&\!\!\textrm{potential} &\textrm{of con- }\!
\!\!\!\textrm{Action} &\textrm{the action } &\textrm{outcomes }
&\!\textrm{outcomes } &\textrm{to days }
&\textrm{outcomes } &\textrm{tinuing }
\textrm{roll}_1 & 1 ~~ \!& & 6 & 0 & 6 & 6/6~ \\
\rlap{\textrm{(cycle begins)}} \\
\bf\textbf{flip}_2 & 1 ~~ \!&\bf 6 &\bf 12 &\bf 7 &\bf 5 &\bf 5/12 \\
\textrm{roll}_3 & 5/12 \!& 5 & 30 & 28 & 2 & 2/30 \\
\textrm{flip}_4 & 1/36 \!& 2 & 4 & 0 & 4 & 4/4~~\\
\textrm{roll}_5 & 1/36 \!& 4 & 24 & 21 & 3 & 3/24 \\
\textrm{flip}_6 & 1/288 \!& 3 & 6 & 0 & 6 & 6/6~~\\
\textrm{roll}_7 & 1/288 \!& 6 & 36 & 35 & 1 & 1/36 \\
\textrm{flip}_8 & 1/10368 \!& 1 & 2 & 0 & 2 & 2/2~~\\
\textrm{roll}_9 & 1/10368 \!& 2 & 12 & 7 & 5 & 5/12 \\
\textrm{flip}_{10}& 5/124416 \!& 5 & 10 & 7 & 3 & 3/10 \\
\textrm{roll}_{11}& 1/82944 ~\!& 3 & 18 & 14 & 4 & 4/18 \\
\textrm{flip}_{12}& 1/373248 \!& 4 & 8 & 7 & 1 & 1/8~~\\
\textrm{roll}_{13}& 1/2985984\!& 1 & 6 & 0 &\bf 6 & 6/6~~\\
\rlap{\textrm{(cycle repeats)}} \\
\bf\textbf{flip}_{14}&\bf1/2985984\!&\bf 6 &\bf 12 &\bf 7 &\bf 5 &\bf 5/12 \\
\textrm{roll}_{15}& 5/35831808\!&\bf 5 & 30 & 28 & 2 & 2/30
\textrm{flip}_{16}& \vdots &\vdots&\,\vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\vdots\;
\\[-1ex] ~~~\vdots
The row for $\bf\textbf{flip}_{14}$ , for example, shows that:
$\bf 1/2985984$ is the probability that this coin flip will be required.
$\bf 6$ equally-likely continuing outcomes, die rolls {1,2,3,4,5,6 },
are carried forward from the previous action,
$\textrm{roll}_{13}$ .
$\bf 12$ potential combined outcomes,
{1,2,3,4,5,6 } × { H,T },
are now considered for this coin flip's 2 possible results,
$\bf 7$ of the potential ordered outcomes are
arbitrarily assigned to select a day:
{1& H } = Mon,
{ 2 & H } =Tues, ...,
{ 6  & H } = Sat
and {1&T } = Sun.
$\bf 5$ unassigned potential ordered outcomes,
{ 2 &T, 3 &T, ..., 6 &T },
remain left over to combine with the next action if the present
action doesn't complete the process by selecting an assigned day.
$\bf 5/12\:$ is the corresponding probability
of proceeding to the next action, $\textrm{roll}_{15}$.
If the next action is necessary, the row for $\textrm{roll}_{15}$ shows that
the $5$ unassigned potential ordered outcomes from $\textrm{flip}_{14}$
are combined with the possible results of a new die roll
to produce $30$ new potential ordered outcomes:
{ 2 &T&1,  
3 &T&1, ...,
6 &T&1,
2 &T& 2 ,
3 &T& 2 , ...,
6 &T& 2 ,
2 &T& 6 ,
3 &T& 6 , ...,
6 &T& 6 }
Of those combinations, $28$ would select days while $2$ will be left over,
leaving a $2/30$ chance of requiring yet another action, $\textrm{flip}_{16}$.
Compounding the table's rightmost column of continuation probabilities gives:
\textsf{average number of alternating rolls or flips} =
\\ \qquad
1 + \frac6{6} \Bigl( 1 + \frac5{12} \bigl( 1 + \frac2{30} \bigl( 1 +
\frac4{4} \bigl( 1 + \frac3{24} \bigl( 1 + \frac6{6} \bigl( 1 +
\frac1{36} \bigl( 1 + \frac2{2} ( 1 + \ldots )
\bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \bigr) \Bigr)
\phantom{\textsf{average number of alternating rolls or flips}} = 2.4794153...
Incidentally, the same calculation with no coin flips is:
\textsf{average rolls for die only} =
1 + \frac66 \Bigl( 1 + \frac1{36} \bigl( 1 +
\frac66 \bigl( 1 + \frac1{36} ( 1 + \ldots ) \bigr) \bigr) \Bigr)
\phantom{\textsf{average rolls for die only}} = 2.0\overline{571428}