A famous mathematician was found on his deathbed this evening, leaving behind his life's work trapped away on his computer.
Protected by a password, it is believed this computer contains many groundbreaking equations that have yet to be released to the public.
Luckily, it seems, our mathematician was aware of his timely demise and left us a note, ensuring his works only went to someone intellectually worthy. The note thus read:
It seems my time has come at last, for like many before me, I have met my demise. I'm sure you'll want my life's works, they're ever such a prize. Are you worthy?
For Fibonacci was right,
if only he'd gone further he'd have shed some light,
for me aabcehmu is just not enough for a key,
yet it's taken as credence,
just adding one to each of his sequence,
just remember to playfair,
for names leave a legacy,signed hpssodge