If a phrase adheres to a certain rule, then I call it a Cyclone Phrase™.
Use the examples below to find the rule. Also find the one error in the chart below. (In other words, one of the phrases below is not really a Cyclone Phrase™.)
Cyclone Phrases | not Cyclone Phrases |
all alone at noon | by myself at twelve pm |
blurb in my blog | response on my online journal |
deerweed and aloe | lavender and honey |
chic dimple | attractive facial wrinkle |
it is adjourned | it is suspended |
adored among guys | loved among men |
drug and dose | medicine and dosage |
chug our ale | drink our beer |
an eerie moon glyph | a strange lunar symbol |
biotypic fish | fishes of the same genotype |
bested by my mom | defeated by my brother |
an old bum begged | an aged vagrant mooched |
dehorned an elk | remove a wapiti's horns |
cook and dine | heat and eat |
an astute moron | a sharp idiot |
fork, cup, and dish | spoon, knife, and napkin |
a deformed deltoid | a misshapen shoulder |
blood and bile | vital body fluids |
blond belle | light-haired beauty |
anti and biotic | antibiotic |
choke a brute | strangle a beast |
our foul deed | our offensive action |
cenozoic deluge | paleogene flood |
If you liked this puzzle, try its successors:
What is a Scalable Phrase™?
What is a Triad Phrase™?