
I am the initiator of this riddle
I am the beginning of everything
I am the origin of god
But not long ago god was the origin of me
In some way I am god
And even god is stranded without me
I live even if you kill my body
you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back
I can be the greatest thing in your life
Or destroy everything you love

And one last thing:

You will need me to find the answer

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ is it "idea"?.. $\endgroup$
    – user12205
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 3:53
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I suppose saying "You are God" isn't exact enough? :-P $\endgroup$ Commented May 28, 2015 at 11:59
  • $\begingroup$ @nbar is it Soul like mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita $\endgroup$
    – kanchirk
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 14:21

5 Answers 5


It could be


I am the initiator of this riddle

Thought/ideas create riddles (usually and hopefully :) )

I am the beginning of everything

All creations first start with thought/ideas. Also, thought focused on by many creates thought-form, which eventually creates matter (according to New Age, "Law of Attraction" teachings)

I am the origin of god
But not long ago god was the origin of me

Thought created the concept of God, but God ("All-that-Is") thought, which created more thought.

In some way I am god
And even god is stranded without me

Thought is god because, in a practical sense, "We are what we think." Without thought, there is no concept of god.

I live even if you kill my body
you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back

Ideas turn to ideals, and can live on long after the original thinker is gone.

I can be the greatest thing in your life
Or destroy everything you love

People live for ideas/ideals, and they can be crushed by either their own ideas or their (or other peoples') societies' ideals


is it

The mind

I am the initiator of this riddle

The mind is the one who came up with the riddle

I am the beginning of everything

when he is created, your existence begins

I am the origin of god

The mind came up with the concept of god

But not long ago god was the origin of me

god made the mind

In some way I am god

it controls how you perceive reality

And even god is stranded without me

without it, our concept of him would not exist

I live even if you kill my body

ideas live on even if the person doesn't

you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back

once again its about ideas, because you can kill the wielder

I can be the greatest thing in your life

The mind is a wonderful thing

Or destroy everything you love

The mind can play horrible games on you

You will need me to find the answer

self explanatory, you need your mind answer this riddle

  • $\begingroup$ That was my idea too, but I couldn't make it fit all the lines. +1 $\endgroup$ Commented May 27, 2015 at 23:30
  • $\begingroup$ Really close, and would like to accept. But it's not the mind itself. (2 Questions that doesnt fit with mind, and you toke there the right answer) $\endgroup$
    – nbar
    Commented May 27, 2015 at 23:55

Could it be:


I am the initiator of this riddle

You used your imagination to make this riddle

I am the beginning of everything

Everything that is created starts with someone's imagination (inventions, etc.)

I am the origin of god

The idea of god came from people's imagination

But not long ago god was the origin of me

God created people with imaginations

In some way I am god

Same idea as "origin of god"

And even god is stranded without me

Same idea as "origin of god"

I live even if you kill my body

Really not sure with this

you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back

You can stop someone's imagination temporarily but they could still be imaginative later

I can be the greatest thing in your life

Being very imaginative can be great for your life.

Or destroy everything you love

Imagination can cause denial/hallucinations which ruin your life.

You will need me to find the answer

You need your imagination to find the answer


is it:

everything consist of energy...energy makes him narrate>> am the initiator of this riddle

energy was from the begning, it just converted into types>>I am the beginning of everything energy itsef is a kind of god>> I am the origin of god

But not long ago god was the origin of me In some way I am god And even god is stranded without me

energy just kind of leave our body and stay some where for eve>>>I live even if you kill my body you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back I can be the greatest thing in your life>> greatest thing in life having a enegy in heat to do work , to do anything..Or destroy everything you love And one last thing:

You will need me to find the answer

we need energy to find the answer

  • $\begingroup$ Welcom jatin2302 to Puzzling! I have edited your answer to include spoilers tags ">!" to cover you answer and prevent it from possibly spoiling it for other people. $\endgroup$
    – Mark N
    Commented May 28, 2015 at 15:48

Is it ...

Confidence ?

I am the initiator of this riddle

Through the confidence you can put this as puzzle

I am the beginning of everything

It is necessary thing to start anything

I am the origin of god

Not sure about this line..

But not long ago god was the origin of me

obviously god is not origin of confidence

In some way I am god

Not Sure

And even god is stranded without me

Not Sure

I live even if you kill my body

Confidence is stay as it is.

you can kill me! But never be sure I don't come back

If confidence kill by someone or our self so not sure that it will come back

I can be the greatest thing in your life

yes it is

Or destroy everything you love

May be it happen with lack of confidence.


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