I have many children yet some would doubt that I love them.
My first might have impressed if not for a knife.
My second's fall was far from bright.
My third kept undesirable company or drank too much wine,
While my fourth was abandoned, frozen in time.
My fifth liked his eels chopped and axed,
And my sixth preferred cooked, if anyone asked.
My seventh could not stand the sight of a bath,
While my last might have been first, but surely was there last.
Name me and my children.
Hint #1 (children described in clues above are numbered 1 to 8 to make these new clues easier to follow)
1 might have killed 2
2 is said to have killed 4
3 is killed by 1 or 7 or hell or heaven
4 is killed by 1 or 3 or most likely 2
5 probably died first
6 did not kill anyone
7 killed four but not 1
8 stayed away until the killing was all done.
If all of us are dead, who killed 7 and 1?
Hint #2 (I personally think this one is a dead giveaway but oh well :P )
To prostrate oneself, oh joyous man -
Hint #3 (Dead giveaway, I'd suggest not looking at this one unless you've tried solving with just the others)
Hint #2 is a charade for the author's name, First and Family names separated by the comma.