Every morning starts out the same. I wake up and grab a cup of ____. I then go and feed my pet ______ a mouse or two.
If it's a weekend, I will watch a movie or read a book about my favorite mathematician ___ L. If the day is truly nice, I may go spend some time at the ____. It really just depends. One time I found a ____ buried in the sand, just glittering away.
Now, my job is pretty _____. I don't really do anything special or fun. I work in an ________ facility for display furniture.
I'm just glad I'm feeling better. I had the _____, and man was my throat sore.
Fill in the blanks, it might not be hard. Some of the blanks are sound alikes, but they all follow the same theme.
What are the missing words, and what is the theme that links them?