I probably didn't get everything right but I think I'm on the right track:
The first group
Avengers characters
A man of war
Captain America
A ball of carbon without pastor nor full hurricane
Bucky Barnes (Buck = Buckminsterfullerene - minister - full - irene)
A spider
Black Widow
One whose strength is in the same area as Veralidaine Sarrasri
Hawkeye (bow user: credit Gracelyn)
A toy maker of sorts,
Iron Man (invents all sorts of toys/gadgets)
A Jason-type
Thor (comes from mythology like Jason/Argonauts)
And one whose pallor is that of Briar Moss' magic.
Hulk (green skin)
The second group
Xmen characters
A man whose names vary from Charles to James to Patrick,
Professor X (Charles Xavier, James McAvoy, Patrick Stewart)
Someone who is Nail Product
Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr was Polish in the movie)
He that appears as the half dead person, one soul in two bodies
Banshee (credit: Gracelyn - looks a lot like Fred and George in the movies, one of which died in the battle of Hogwarts.)
El verano, though quite a bit more dangerous
Havoc aka Alex Summers (verano = summer)
An icy animal
Beast (icy = blue, beast = animal)
And one who cries naught forevermore
Raven (aka Mystique) ("Quoth the Raven nevermore")
There's rumors of an X-men Avengers crossover movie, so maybe.