Find the key to a popular cipher and find the inner riddle!
ViTal ciTy bridges keep it together,
Under darkness hardly MeeTing thE weather.
It Populates many but kills too,
utteRing Fare well and leaving you.
barely visible under flashes of X,
Play the instrument that's Highly compleX.
losing is fAtal yet gifting is greAt,
don't Joke, it could HeLp your mate.
Queues Go fAr for Such a commodity,
eXclusive Clans react With velociTy.
Prolongs The life of a GlaMorised impaler,
write Down yoUr name not with a retailer.
eXtras inJected to maintain a status Quo,
the wingED tHieves are an arid foe.
CombIneD with Goblin to give a Hue,
the armY roUtes to stAy A new.
Quiet motion through a dark passageway,
vaCating the premises leaving you in dismay.
exchange of voWs can make a verb,
whaT key do these words disturb.