Evaluate Q1:$[-100\times (-99)] \times [-99 \times (-98)] \times [-98 \times (-97)]..... (97\times 98)\times (98 \times 99) \times (99 \times 100)$
Evaluate Q2:$(-100-98) \times (-99-97) \times (-98-96).....(96+98) \times (97+99) \times (98+100)$ (Clue:there is a pattern, but is "disrupted" by the $+(-)$ property.
Then, after evaluating this, solve the fraction with the answers you got previously.
$\frac {Q1 evalution} {Q2 evaluation}$
Is a scientific calculator able to calculate the result?(Assuming the calulator cannot calculate answers bigger than 10000000000)(Yeah, a lousy scientific calculator that fails to understand how to put in a standard number form (like for example $3.1839\times10^{65}$)