38, 104, ?, 1358
Kudos to anyone who can solve it as it is fairly difficult puzzle.
38, 104, ?, 1358
Kudos to anyone who can solve it as it is fairly difficult puzzle.
maybe the answer is: 496.192307692,
obtained by 1358*38/104, so the ratio between numbers in even positions is the same between numbers in odd positions,
example 1358/104= 496.19.../38;
also the ratio between 104/38 = the ratio between 1358/496.19....
also 1358*496.19.../104= 6479.12... so the ratio between 496.19.../104= 6479.12/1358.
we have the fomrula abab example 104/38, 496.19../104, 1358/496.19..., 6479.12/1358