
Packing problems are well known, often hard and sometimes fun. If we want to pack unit squares into a circle then this beautiful page shows some solutions. One interesting feature is shown first in the 6 square case where the best known solution does not involve all the squares being aligned with each other.

If we aim to find the smallest radius sphere to pack n unit cubes instead, what is the smallest n for which it is better to have non aligned cubes? By aligned I mean the sides are aligned with the x, y, z axes

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The 3 case is not aligned too. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 27 at 10:38
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @WeatherVane I meant axis aligned . $\endgroup$
    – Simd
    Commented Aug 27 at 11:40
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Is there some clever elegant solution to this? Even in the planar case it seems starting at n=8 this looks like some numeric wiggling. $\endgroup$
    – quarague
    Commented Aug 27 at 13:32
  • $\begingroup$ @quarague it's hard to get the optimal answer in general but my question doesn't quite call for that. $\endgroup$
    – Simd
    Commented Aug 27 at 17:21
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @WeatherVane lucky there are 1000s here :) $\endgroup$
    – Simd
    Commented Aug 27 at 20:51

2 Answers 2


Some empirical evidence that n=6

The best axis-aligned configuration I found uses a radius of $1.630998544...$.

Here's configuration with $6$ cubes that fits in a sphere with radius ~$1.627$. (The corners that touch the sphere are circled in red).

enter image description here

View from "above":
enter image description here


I wrote an app that uses a physics simulator. $6$ cubes are simulated, and any cube corner that leaves a user-defined "repel radius" is pushed towards the origin (with a force proportional to how far it trespassed the "repel radius").

Cubes would nearly always quickly get stuck in a local minimum, but "jiggling" all the cubes (applying a random force to each during every simulation step) worked nicely to reach a better minimum.

This process revealed a handful of promising arrangements, and let me find the approximate radius for ideal version of each.

Here's a long, boring, rambly video of the app: https://youtu.be/931f3PkUfzg

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What an amazing simulator! One dumb question, your solution for 5 didn't seem axis aligned either. Was it no better than an axis aligned solution? $\endgroup$
    – Simd
    Commented Sep 5 at 11:06
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Nice! You get 1.63063 with the approximate radius values with 3 places, but using the exact expressions (for example √2 instead of 1.414 etc) then the sphere radius is 1.630998544. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 5 at 12:06
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Simd - thanks! The solution for 5 has two layers (of 4 cubes and 1 cube). Each layer is free to rotate independently of the other layers. Think of N=2, and how the two cubes are free to rotate. Weather Vane - thanks, I updated this answer to use your value. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 5 at 13:42
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I'm happy to have verified the radius 1.627097 by permuting the three variables (angle, x-offset, z-offset) by progessively smaller steps. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 6 at 10:17
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @Weather Vane! $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 6 at 15:25

(partial answer)


Let's start with an intuitive simplification. The cubes must be stacked in independent "layers", where each layer "sits" on $y=k$ for some integer $k$.

Now, given a sphere with a certain radius and offset, notice that the cubes in each layer must fit inside a cylinder.


enter image description here
There are 3 cylinder-shaped layers here: red, yellow, and blue. The y-axis passes through the center of each cylinder.

In this example, the layers have radii $1.118$, $1.688$, and $0.80564$. According to this page, these layers can contain $2$, $6$, and $1$ cubes respectively. So, this sphere contains $9$ cubes in total. This happens to be optimal given the "layers" constraint. (It might be possible to show that no axis-aligned cube configuration can fit $9$ cubes in a sphere of radius $1.7915$). Note that the middle layer in this example contains a non-axis-aligned cube.

Per-layer view

For convenience, here's what each layer looks like (not to scale): enter image description here

Optimal radii (under "layers" constraint)

Here's a table of optimal radii for packing cubes in a sphere, with the "layers" constraint. The numbers in curly braces indicate the per-layer cube count. Note that the radius/y-offset values are only accurate to about 3 or 4 digits, since the reference page provides similarly low-precision values.

  1:                 {1} r = 0.865938 y-offset =      0.5
  2:               {1,1} r =  1.22468 y-offset =        0
  3:                 {3} r =  1.38165 y-offset =      0.5
  4:               {1,3} r =  1.47084 y-offset = 0.289774
  5:               {1,4} r =  1.54602 y-offset = 0.374887
  6:               {3,3} r =  1.63063 y-offset =        0
  7:             {1,5,1} r =  1.65827 y-offset =      0.5
  8:               {4,4} r =  1.73188 y-offset =        0
  9:             {1,6,2} r =  1.79151 y-offset = 0.600145
 10:             {1,6,3} r =  1.83486 y-offset = 0.693183
 11:             {2,7,2} r =  1.87081 y-offset =      0.5
 12:             {2,7,3} r =   1.9259 y-offset =  0.56817
 13:             {2,7,4} r =  1.97237 y-offset = 0.624912
 14:             {1,7,6} r =  2.01939 y-offset = 0.891583
 15:             {4,8,3} r =  2.04565 y-offset = 0.478272
 16:             {4,8,4} r =  2.06141 y-offset =      0.5
 17:             {4,8,5} r =  2.12283 y-offset = 0.583361
 18:             {5,9,4} r =  2.14767 y-offset = 0.453592
 19:             {6,9,4} r =  2.17157 y-offset = 0.366146
 20:            {5,10,5} r =  2.17935 y-offset =      0.5
 21:            {5,10,6} r =  2.21988 y-offset = 0.558297
 22:            {6,10,6} r =  2.25817 y-offset =      0.5
 23:            {6,11,6} r =  2.26976 y-offset =      0.5
 24:            {6,12,6} r =  2.29122 y-offset =      0.5
 25:            {7,12,6} r =  2.30552 y-offset = 0.438123
 26:            {7,12,7} r =  2.34461 y-offset =      0.5
 27:         {2,10,11,4} r =  2.38964 y-offset = 0.100789
 28:         {2,10,12,4} r =  2.40112 y-offset = 0.124962
 29:         {3,10,12,4} r =   2.4268 y-offset = 0.056792
 30:         {3,11,12,4} r =  2.43954 y-offset = 0.024475
 31:         {4,12,11,4} r =  2.44941 y-offset =  0.99995
 32:         {4,12,12,4} r =  2.44943 y-offset =        1
 33:         {4,12,12,5} r =  2.50068 y-offset = 0.0625206
 34:         {3,12,13,6} r =  2.51134 y-offset = 0.143302
 35:         {4,12,13,6} r =  2.53686 y-offset = 0.106243
 36:         {5,13,13,5} r =  2.56377 y-offset =        1
 37:         {5,13,13,6} r =  2.58387 y-offset = 0.0437229
 38:         {6,13,13,6} r =  2.61713 y-offset =        1
 39:         {4,12,15,8} r =  2.64823 y-offset = 0.239136
 40:         {4,13,15,8} r =  2.65881 y-offset = 0.223263
 41:      {2,12,16,10,1} r =  2.68245 y-offset = 0.438368
 42:      {1,12,16,12,1} r =  2.69253 y-offset =      0.5
 43:      {2,12,16,12,1} r =  2.71008 y-offset = 0.468722
 44:         {7,15,15,7} r =  2.72325 y-offset =        0
 45:      {2,12,17,12,2} r =   2.7386 y-offset =      0.5
 46:      {1,12,17,13,3} r =  2.74689 y-offset = 0.595535
 47:      {4,13,17,12,1} r =  2.76409 y-offset = 0.375037
 48:      {3,13,18,12,2} r =   2.7907 y-offset =  0.47569
 49:      {3,13,18,13,2} r =  2.80273 y-offset = 0.489245
 50:      {3,13,18,13,3} r =  2.81228 y-offset =      0.5
 51:      {1,12,17,15,6} r =  2.83083 y-offset = 0.736065
 52:      {6,15,18,12,1} r =  2.83545 y-offset = 0.274248
 53:      {1,12,18,15,7} r =  2.86339 y-offset = 0.774735
 54:      {5,15,19,13,2} r =  2.87775 y-offset =  0.36579
 55:      {2,13,19,15,6} r =  2.88566 y-offset = 0.659555
 56:      {4,13,19,15,5} r =  2.91763 y-offset = 0.552087
 57:      {2,13,19,16,7} r =   2.9258 y-offset = 0.703776
 58:      {5,15,20,14,4} r =  2.93966 y-offset = 0.478315
 59:      {5,15,20,15,4} r =  2.94915 y-offset = 0.489566
 60:      {4,15,21,15,5} r =  2.95764 y-offset = 0.500389
 61:      {5,15,21,15,5} r =  2.95797 y-offset =      0.5
 62:      {7,16,21,14,4} r =  2.98152 y-offset =  0.37535
 63:      {7,16,21,15,4} r =  2.99809 y-offset = 0.396111
 64:      {4,15,21,17,7} r =  3.00946 y-offset =  0.62504
 65:      {6,16,21,16,6} r =  3.02161 y-offset =      0.5
 66:      {8,18,21,15,4} r =  3.04339 y-offset = 0.312951
 67:      {7,17,21,16,6} r =  3.04957 y-offset = 0.460214
 68:      {6,17,21,17,7} r =  3.07356 y-offset = 0.510109
 69:      {7,17,22,17,6} r =  3.07771 y-offset = 0.495015
 70:      {7,17,22,17,7} r =  3.08175 y-offset =      0.5
 71:      {7,17,22,18,7} r =  3.10877 y-offset = 0.533235
 72:      {7,18,23,17,7} r =  3.11626 y-offset = 0.482562
 73:      {7,18,23,18,7} r =  3.12459 y-offset =      0.5
 74:      {9,19,23,17,6} r =  3.14122 y-offset =  0.35655
 75:      {8,19,23,18,7} r =  3.15434 y-offset = 0.438972
 76:      {8,19,24,18,7} r =  3.15857 y-offset = 0.448213
 77:     {5,16,23,21,12} r =  3.17209 y-offset = 0.750014
 78:     {10,19,24,18,7} r =  3.18557 y-offset = 0.376805
 79:     {11,21,24,17,6} r =  3.18931 y-offset = 0.294015
 80:     {6,17,24,21,12} r =  3.19699 y-offset = 0.715035
 81:     {7,18,24,21,11} r =  3.21743 y-offset = 0.665459
 82:     {7,18,24,21,12} r =  3.22555 y-offset = 0.675249
 83:     {12,21,25,18,7} r =  3.24149 y-offset = 0.346821
 84:     {10,21,26,19,8} r =  3.25008 y-offset = 0.437294
 85:     {12,21,26,19,7} r =  3.26155 y-offset = 0.374451
 86:     {9,20,26,21,10} r =  3.26861 y-offset = 0.521296
 87:     {10,21,26,21,9} r =  3.27838 y-offset = 0.499823
 88:    {10,21,26,21,10} r =  3.27851 y-offset =      0.5
 89:    {10,21,27,21,10} r =  3.29911 y-offset =      0.5
 90:     {12,21,27,21,9} r =  3.30889 y-offset = 0.439071
 91:    {10,21,27,21,12} r =  3.31688 y-offset = 0.550105
 92:   {4,17,25,25,17,4} r =  3.34161 y-offset =        0
 93:   {4,17,25,26,17,4} r =  3.34961 y-offset = 0.0133453
 94:   {4,17,26,26,17,4} r =  3.35357 y-offset =        0
 95:   {5,17,26,26,17,4} r =  3.36314 y-offset = 0.968355
 96:   {4,17,26,26,18,5} r =  3.36773 y-offset = 0.043344
 97:   {6,18,26,26,17,4} r =  3.38293 y-offset = 0.931698
 98:   {4,17,26,27,18,6} r =  3.38884 y-offset = 0.0779653
 99:   {4,17,26,27,19,6} r =  3.39633 y-offset = 0.0879853
100:   {7,19,27,26,17,4} r =  3.41088 y-offset = 0.896016
101:   {5,18,27,27,18,6} r =  3.41887 y-offset = 0.0269029
102:   {6,19,27,27,18,5} r =  3.42474 y-offset = 0.962031
103:   {6,19,27,27,18,6} r =  3.44489 y-offset =  0.99701
104:   {6,19,27,27,19,6} r =  3.44663 y-offset =        0
105:   {4,17,27,28,21,8} r =  3.46141 y-offset = 0.159424
106:   {8,21,28,27,18,4} r =  3.47742 y-offset =  0.86006
107:   {7,20,28,27,19,6} r =  3.48771 y-offset = 0.947989
108:   {7,21,28,27,19,6} r =   3.4989 y-offset = 0.935212
109:   {6,19,28,28,21,7} r =  3.50764 y-offset = 0.0490244
110:   {7,20,28,28,20,7} r =  3.51702 y-offset =        0
111:  {3,17,27,29,23,12} r =  3.52237 y-offset = 0.278439
112:   {7,21,28,28,21,7} r =  3.53514 y-offset =        0
113:  {12,23,29,27,18,4} r =  3.54536 y-offset = 0.751339
114:   {7,21,29,29,21,7} r =  3.55552 y-offset =        0
115:  {4,18,27,30,24,12} r =    3.561 y-offset = 0.268229
116:  {12,24,30,28,18,4} r =  3.57109 y-offset = 0.755163
117:  {12,23,30,28,19,5} r =  3.57674 y-offset = 0.791655
118:  {12,24,30,28,19,5} r =  3.58473 y-offset = 0.782746
119:  {7,21,29,30,22,10} r =  3.59734 y-offset =    0.108
120:  {7,21,29,30,23,10} r =  3.60337 y-offset = 0.118263
121:  {12,24,30,29,20,6} r =  3.61222 y-offset = 0.836975
122:  {12,24,30,29,21,6} r =  3.62226 y-offset = 0.849753
123:  {12,24,30,29,21,7} r =  3.62557 y-offset = 0.853959
124:  {12,24,31,29,21,7} r =  3.63433 y-offset = 0.843872

This table was computed by forcing the sphere to pass through $(x_0,y_0)$ and $(x_1,y_1)$ for $x_0$ and $x_1$ being members of the set of radii from the reference page, and $y_0 = 0$ and integer $y_1$.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yes, and for orthogonal layers (3,5,1) I get r=1.8349, and (3,4,2) gives r=1.9259. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 29 at 13:13
  • $\begingroup$ Which of the cubes are touching the sphere in this packing? $\endgroup$
    – Simd
    Commented Aug 29 at 18:58
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In the red layer, both cubes have two of their top corners touching the sphere. In the yellow layer, five of the cubes have a bottom corner touching the sphere (though two of these cubes can be moved upwards a bit, in which case they'll stop touching the sphere). In the blue layer, the cube is not touching the sphere. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 29 at 19:45
  • $\begingroup$ ...which explains why the available radius of the blue layer is more than the needed 0.70711 and variously given as 0.80564 and 0.80654. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 29 at 19:59
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ FWIW I worked out a more precise value for Friedman's $R_6 = 1.688542968$ giving me a slightly larger $1.791877315$ for the sphere radius. But slices (2 6 1) still beats any other other permutation of slices. I don't have an exact expression, although the others used do – my $R_6$ value was obtained by sliding blocks in ever smaller steps until six points touch the circumference. There is a gap between the angled square and the 'central' square. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 4 at 18:56

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