My first go at puzzle construction! It's basically Nurikabe, but you have two boards stacked on top of each other, e.g. the first over the second, and the original constraints must still be satisfied with the added vertical dimension. The idea is not new, but it was a fun challenge coming up with this. Enjoy!
- Shade the cells on both boards.
- Cells of the same shading are connected if they are adjacent in either of the x, y, or z directions.
- All shaded cells must be fully-connected.
- I.e. there is a shaded path between any two shaded cells.
- There must be exactly one numbered cell per unshaded region.
- The area/volume occupied by the unshaded region must be equal to this number.
- No fully shaded 1x2x2, 2x1x2, or 2x2x1 regions.