Yin-Yang is a grid deduction puzzle with the following rules:
- Fill each cell with either a black circle or a white circle.
- All circles of a given color must form a single orthogonally-connected region.
- Every 2x2 area must contain circles of both colors.
I have a Yin-Yang generator which randomly generates completely filled grids satisfying the rules above; it selects them uniformly from all filled grids (of the requested size) which satisfy the rules. It can only generate 10x10, 15x15, and 20x20 grids.
Occasionally, the generator produces a grid in which all border cells are the same color. If I want to maximize the chance of it randomly generating such a grid, should I ask it to generate a 10x10 grid, a 15x15 grid, or a 20x20 grid?