Lets start the ball rolling with some examples.
- k=1, N <= 1 : P1 can draw.
P1 can draw by playing m1 = N. P2 has to match that to avoid instant loss. Both have run out of money so game is a draw.
There are insufficient coins to win two rounds.
P1 plays 1 on each of the first two rounds. If P2 wins with a play of 2 on the first round, then he loses the second. No coins left so a draw. If P2 ducks the first round then he has to play 1 or 2 on the next round to avoid an immediate loss. Either way, P2 cannot win two rounds, so the game ends in a draw.
P1 plays 1 in each of the first 3 rounds. If P2 wins the first, then P2 must play their remaining coin in either the second or third round to avoid an imediate loss. But now no coins left for either player, so a draw. If P2 ducks the first round, they have to play at least 1 coin in each of the second two rounds to avoid immediate loss. If they play 2 in one of the rounds, then neither players has any coins left so a draw, if they play 1 in each of rounds 2 and 3, then they can win teh 4-th round, but final score is 1 win each and 2 draws so an overall draw.
If P1 plays 0, P2 responds with 1. If P1 continues with 1 or 2 then P2 wins immediately, but if P1 continues wih 3 or 4 then P2 ducks the second round and has a coin majority to win the third round.
Similarly if P1 plays 1, P2 responds with 2. If P2 now plays 0 or 1 then P2 wins immediately, but if P1 continues wih 2, or 3 then P2 ducks but has more coins so can win the third round.
If P1 plays 2, P2 ducks. On the second round if P1 plays 0 or 1, p2 wins by 1 and has a coin majority to win the third round, but if P1 plays 2 then P2 matches for a draw, but can now win thr next 2 rounds as P1 has exhausted their coins and P2 still has 2 remaining.
If P1 plays 3 or 4 coins, then P2 ducks, but can win the next two rounds by playing 2 coins each time, for a win.
If P1 plays m1 <= N/2 then P2 responds with m1 + 1 to win the first round. P1 next plays m2. If m2 < N - m1 - 1 then P2 plays m2 + 1 and wins immediately on the second round. If m2 >= N - m1 - 1 then P2 plays 0 to lose the second round. But now P1 has fewer coins remaining than P2, so P2 can beat any play and win on the third round.
If instead, P1 plays m1 > N/2 then P2 plays 0 to lose the first round. But now P2 has sufficient coins to beat P1 in each of the next two rounds, for a win after the third round.