You can solve this set covering problem via integer linear programming as follows. Let $P$ be the set of larger polyominoes, let $Q$ be the set of smaller polyominoes, and for $p\in P$ let $Q_p \subset Q$ be the polyominoes that can construct $p$ by adding a cell. For $q\in Q$, let binary decision variable $x_q$ indicate whether $q$ is selected. The problem is to minimize $\sum_{q\in Q} x_q$ subject to linear constraints
$$\sum_{q\in Q_p} x_q \ge 1 \quad \text{for all $p\in P$}$$
that enforce that each larger polyomino can be constructed from some selected $q$.
The minimum for part a is
8, with the following free pentominoes:
If I have constructed the sets correctly, the minimum for part b is
19, with the following free hexominoes: