Note: this is not in conjunction with my Minesweeper puzzles
Got this idea from one of Cracking the Cryptic's videos, I don't remember which one though. This exact puzzle is still overall unique.
Take this 4x4 grid below:
A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H |
I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P |
Now, you might not notice this, but this is a 4x4 sudoku, and there is a twist to it:
We can use the numbers 1-9
Now, you might be confused. Why can we? Well, that's because the grid has to satisfy these 18 conditions:
- Like a regular Sudoku, each number that is placed down can only be used once in each row and column.
- $A+B=10$
- $B+C=5$
- $C+G=10$
- $E+F=5$
- $E+I=10$
- $F+J=5$
- $I+J=10$
- $K+L=5$
- $M+N=5$
- $A+B+C+D=2A-1$
- $E+F+G+H=2A-2$
- $I+J+K+L=2A-3$
- $M+N+O+P=2A-4$
- $A+E+I+M=2A+2$
- $B+F+J+N=A+1$
- $C+G+K+O=2A-5$
- $D+H+L+P=2A+1$
Programming and brute-forcing is outright banned.
Difficulty: ★★★★★★