6 questions
A brick falls from an airplane carrying 1000 of the same over a forest. How many bricks fell to the ground?
How do you put a giraffe inside a fridge in three steps?
How do you put an elephant inside the fridge in four steps?
The lion king had called the animals to a party, but only one animal didn't attend. Which animal was it?
A hunter, somehow getting the information about the party, decides to kill the lion king and hence, decides to go to the party. But first, he has to go through a river infested with killer crocodiles. These killer crocodiles are very efficient with their job of guarding the secret party place, with a 100% kill rate. But the hunter manages to cross the river anyway. How?
The hunter finally arrives at the scene of the party. He retreats back to the river, thinking it would conceal his smell. He takes aim and decides to shoot, but something unexpected happens. He is dead the very next second. what happened?
After answering the questions above, make a story at the end with valid points from the answers you get.
The answer to the first question isn't 1.