This puzzle is part of the Puzzling Stack Exchange Advent Calendar 2022. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.
< Previous Door Next Door >
"Hi Pat! I just got your Christmas card."
"Oh, do you like the picture? That is our living room, all decorated for Christmas."
"Very nice! You know, I'm thinking of taking a trip early next year. Any ideas?"
"I've got the perfect destination for fact, my boys are on their way there right now!"
"Great...where are you thinking?"
"Oh, my boys' names tell you exactly where they're headed."
"OK, Pat, I'll play along. What are their names?"
"It's in the card! Uh-oh, gotta run..."
So I looked in the card, and there aren't any, you know...words. Just the picture on the front, as shown below. Can you help me figure out the names of Pat's boys, and then tell me where Pat wants to send me?