

Text version:

           GRINNING              SUCCESSES       INITIATION               RESELLERS               INITIATING                SLEEVELESS                CONCOCTION               SASSAFRAS       IGNITING             ASSESSES
---------            ----------             ---              -----------             -----------              ------------              ------------              -----------             ---            ---------
|SEARING|------------|SECURING|-------------|?|--------------|RELATIONS|-------------|TRIANGLES|--------------|EVANGELIST|--------------|NOVELISTIC|--------------|FRACTIONS|-------------|?|------------|SEATING|------------>> (wraparound)
---------            ----------             ---              -----------             -----------              ------------              ------------              -----------             ---            ---------

1 Answer 1


Each word on an edge comprises 4-5 unique letters. Each word on a vertex comprises all of the letters, and only the letters, of the words on the two adjacent edges. By this logic, the two missing words are STRAFING and TENACIOUS.
seaRING - GINR - secuRING - cesu - TeNAcIOus - AINOT - relATIONs - elrs - TrIANGles - AGINT - evANGelIsT - elsv - NOvelIsTIC - CINOT - fraCTIONs - afrs - sTrafING - GINT - seaTING - aes - seaRING

  • $\begingroup$ s/is comprised of/comprises/g $\endgroup$
    – Atario
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 8:49

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