This puzzle is part of the Monthly Topic Challenge #2: IQ Puzzle Parody
People keep asking me if there's anything between me and my good friend Ingrid Deduction... Well, it's... complicated... We go back a long way, and maybe at one point something could have happened between us, but there was one occasion when we were teenagers that probably put the kibosh on that for a long time. Seeing all these IQ puzzles on the site recently has rather brought it all back, so perhaps now is the right time to share...
It was the night of our high school prom, and I turned up at Ingrid's house to be met by her stepfather, the Reverend Richard Spusling. I knew from the off that he wasn't keen on me, and while Ingrid's mother was helping her with last-minute preparations, Rev R. Spusling took me to one side and handed me a sheet of paper, on which was the following IQ-test puzzle:
"I need you to prove you're worthy of dating my daughter," he told me. "I also need a name and two numbers."
Well, the second part was easy - I wrote down my name as requested, and provided my mobile number and my parents' home phone number. Then I looked at the puzzle, and I had no idea what to do. So I just took a leap of faith and picked one of the three options at random.
The Reverend looked at me gravely and said, "You got lucky on the puzzle option, but the name and numbers are wrong."
What? That was the part I thought I got right! Then he kicked me out of the house, and I went to the prom alone. Ingrid never came; I heard she and her stepdad had a bit of a fight that night (and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth)...
So I'm turning to you to help me banish my demons. How should I have solved the Reverend's puzzle?
TASK: Deduce (with explanation) which of the three given options should replace the question mark. Then work out the name and two numbers I should have given to the Reverend.