
My prefix is crossed out, for ancients,

My infix is a valley, for genii,

My suffix is charged, for ever,

And my whole is a breaking point.

What am I, and why?


3 Answers 3


You are:


My prefix is crossed out, for ancients,

In ancient Rome, the number TEN is written as an 'X', or cross.

My infix is a valley, for genii,

'Silicon Valley' is a global hub for innovation and new technologies - the playground of innovative genii, perhaps. The chemical symbol for the Periodic Table element silicon is Si.

My suffix is charged, for ever,

As found by @Amoz already, an ION is a charged particle in chemistry.

And my whole is a breaking point.

Altogether, TEN + Si + ION (with overlap) is TENSION: the state of being stretched tight (either physically or mentally) and possibly about to break...


You are an


My prefix is crossed out,

EX is "ex-ed out"

My infix is a valley,

A CUT is a synonym for valley

My suffix is charged,

This is the classic clue for ION

And my whole is a breaking point.

Together we get EXECUTION, the breaking point, or end, of one's life

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ nope. not ex or cut, but ION is correct. $\endgroup$
    – user79541
    Commented May 4, 2022 at 13:34

How about a


This is very much piggybacking on Stiv’s answer but

deci an abbreviation for ten which is Roman numeral X which is crossed out.

The valley, as identified by Stiv

si for Silicon Valley

Charged, as identified by Stiv


And why?

a decision is loosely synonymous with a breaking point, more so than just tension (sorry Stiv. I feel like I’m robbing you if this is it.)


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