At work today, they installed a new machine, it has a keyboard instead of the usual buttons to select my drink of choice. This morning, I went to take a coffee, so I typed in "coffee", and the machine displayed an error! So I kept going, this time trying with "coffees", and this time it did work, if not for the fact that the drink the machine poured me was... probably not something any human can drink without severe harm.
A Spanish colleague of mine went to it to take a glass of water, and then ran away from the office with said glass. Apparently he queried "agau" instead of "agua" and then left with his cup. What does that even mean? What's "agau" even?
And then during my lunch break! I typed in the name of a brand of cheap soda the old machine had, something sugary called "Osio", I typed it in, and a red hot glowing liquid came out! Is this even allowed? This could have killed me!
And that's where I am now, it's the afternoon and I've been thirsty since lunch, I just want a glass of water, what should I even type on this god-forsaken machine to get my water?