White should
accept the bet and play N-f8-d7
now the BQ can't escape from the cage on the Qside, and W will promote one of the Kside pawns. I think B's most promising try at this point is to try for a pawn-avalanche breakthrough with ...Bf5; gxf5 exf5 intending f4 when one of the BPs will get through and promote. But W has his own faster breakthrough at this point with e6. Can B instead ...Bh7 hoping to stop the pawns? No, because if ever ...fxg6 then f7. After W promotes, it should be easy to clean up all the BPs and promote another WP, at which point W can just mate the caged BK, or trade off the BQ and win boringly.
In comments Daniel Mathias
observes that if immediately after f8=Q or g8=Q or h8=Q, whichever happens first, B plays ...Qxb5+, then Kxb5 leaves B stalemated if there isn't still a BP or BB able to move. So let's be a bit more concrete about the lines. 1. N-f8-d7 Bf5; 2. gxf5 exf5 doesn't have this problem; there is always a mobile BP. 1. N-f8-d7 Bh5; 2. gxh5 does potentially have this problem but W has enough spare moves with the rear h-pawn to make sure the BK is on the back rank when the front h-pawn promotes, which will therefore happen with check. 1. N-f8-d7 Bh7; 2. h3 Bg6/g8 (note: if at some point B plays Bf5 instead of Bg6 or Bg8, everything proceeds as if 1. ...Bf5); 3. h4 Bh7; 4. h5. Now there's an actual difference between ...Bg6 and ...Bg8. If 4. ...Bg6; 5. hxg6 fxg6 (note that this move is forced unless B wants to give up the Q this move) and now there's a mobile BP so no stalemate when the W f-pawn promotes. If instead 4. ...Bg8; 5. g5 Bh7; 6. g6 and now after either 6. ...fxg6; 7. f7 or 6. ...Bxg6; 7. hxg6 fxg6; 8.f7 there is at least one mobile B piece on the Kside and hence no stalemate. On the other hand, after 6. ...Bg8; 7. gxf7 Bxf7; 8.h7 the W h-pawn is promoting and the BB is still mobile. These aren't literally all the possible lines but others involve B giving up more material for no gain.
And "I'm Nobody" suggested instead
promoting to a B or N instead of a Q or R, so that B's back rank isn't attacked and there's no stalemate. That avoids having to think about stalemate, but instead requires thinking about whether B can get the Q out of her cage with Kb8-c8 in time. I think W can win either way, but don't much trust my ability to figure this out by hand :-). Of course "I'm Nobody" is the person who posted the puzzle in the first place, which may mean they've checked that in fact underpromotion is the only way to make it work...