
As summer draws to a close and the days are getting shorter, a friend and I decide to go on a road trip. Critical to any good journey is the soundtrack, so I ask my friend for some suggestsions.

He provides the following image with a wry smile. He always was a little... different.

Can you help me figure out the playlist, and what sort of music my friend is really in to?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Your friend is really into:


The grid:

enter image description here

The answers:

No More Tears - Ozzy Ozbourne
Bullet with Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins
Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town - Pearl Jam
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Chlorine - 21 Pilots
Bulls on Parade - Rage Against the Machine

  • $\begingroup$ Nicely done! Nailed all of them. $\endgroup$
    – Johnson
    Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 19:49

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