
Here's a simple riddle I came up with myself. If this puzzle already exists elsewhere on the Web, please forgive me, I didn't know about it.

As a whole, I'm charmed. Remove two letters from the start and end, I make music. Remove one more letter from the end of the previous result, and I'm afraid I'm unable. Remove three letters from the start and end, and I'm one in a million. What am I?

The answer is one word, and yes, it's a real word.


1 Answer 1


As a whole, I'm charmed.

encantado, "charmed" in Spanish

Remove two letters from the start and end, I make music.

canta, "music" in Spanish

Remove one more letter from the end of the previous result, and I'm afraid I'm unable.


Remove three letters from the start and end, and I'm one in a million.

ant, which tends to teem in large numbers

  • $\begingroup$ All correct, except that canta means "sing". Well done! $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 23:23

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