The following shows a Linux command line with a #
echo -e 'AAAAHHH!!!\a' > /dev/null
It represents a famous line from a work of fiction. What line is that?
The following shows a Linux command line with a #
echo -e 'AAAAHHH!!!\a' > /dev/null
It represents a famous line from a work of fiction. What line is that?
The answer is
"In space no one can hear you scream." The tagline for the Alien movie.
echo -e 'AAAAHHH!!!\a'
This is a scream. (Added bonus of \a telling the system to beep.)
> /dev/null
This redirects the output to the null device, effectively muting it.
In space, no one can hear you scream
The scream gets written to /dev/null, which discards all data written to it. In other words no one receives the text, it gets lost 'in the void'.
Not sure what the beep represents though.