Here's a Community Wiki answer to try and get all of them between us...
- A 🤼 a->an,n->? $\boxed{8}-\tau$
ASPARAGUS = A + SPAR + A (since 'a' is the article that precedes a word beginning with 'n', much as 'an' precedes a word beginning with 'a') + (-au)GUS(-t) (removing 'tau') (@Stiv)
- Bag->Cab(🛄) 2021-1980
Suspect this is CABBAGE but it seems overclued? BAGGAGE with Bag->Cab seems (almost) sufficient without the additional AGE calculation at the end...? (@Stiv)
- $(TO)_2+F$
TOMATO = TO + MA (Newton's Second Law) + TO (@Stiv)
- ⛽ K out$\times$ ??
PUMPKIN = PUMP + K + IN (opposite of 'out') (@Stiv)
- 🎨🖌️ I $\boxed{6}$ $F=kx$
ARTICHOKE = ART + I + C (Carbon = element#6) + HOOKE (@Stiv)
- 🔃 🤰
Possibly SPINACH = SPIN + ACHE (if we interpret the woman holding her stomach as being in pain rather than pregnant?) (@Stiv)
- 🥶
CHILLI = Homophone of 'chilly' (@Stiv)
- $90$deg=$\frac \pi 2$? 🐠-$\boxed9$
RADISH = RAD + (-f)ISH (Fluorine = element#9) (@Stiv)
- 🔃 iP
TURNIP = TURN + IP (@Stiv)
- 🍳 🌱
- $\boxed{11}$-(v+1) +$Cu_2$
CUCUMBER = CU + CU + (-nove)MBER (removing 'v' + 'one') (@Stiv)
- Negative-a+0
ONION = O + (-a)NION (@Stiv)
- $£20237+\boxed{£7500}\leftarrow$
Not yet solved.
- 🍷 🇩🇪
GINGER = GIN + GER(many) (@Stiv)
- $\boxed{^{27}}$ 🏃 A,an,?
Possibly CORN = Cobalt + ran with the A, an, saying to remove the vowel? (@SteveV)