What are you:
The concept of "beer"
From me you can borrow, but only for a while.
You've got to give it back or you'll pay a debt.
You only ever borrow beer; in a long enough session you will return "vitamin p" back to the tavern that sold it to you. And you also need to rehydrate or you will be hung over the next day
I won't borrow from you, that's not my style.
But you can give to me and some money you'll get.
5 cents back per bottle or can in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont
I'm always found in academic places,
But public versions can also be found.
Fraternities and Public Houses are famous for having beer
My stuff is stored in sort of 'cases,
And sometimes left lying around.
Beer distributors sell by the case; and fraternities, again
Come and visit me! I'll help you learn.
Learn from the founder of a university, Benjamin Franklin: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Without any fee, knowledge you can earn.
The expression, "Free as in beer"
What am I?