Shikakui Hebi is a new grid deduction puzzle I invented. It translates from Japanese which means "Square Snake". It quite sounds like Slitherlink, but trust me, it isn't.
Rules of Shikakui Hebi are as follows:
Solvers are to draw 1 big snake/a long line with twists and turns around a rectangular grid.
The snake is not allowed to form a loop, which means the edges of the snake cannot connect.
The snake always starts in the lower right corner.
The snake MUST NOT cross through shaded squares.
The snake MUST cross through circles.
Arrows mean that there is AT LEAST 1 square containing a piece of the snake in that direction.
The snake cannot pass through the arrows.
Here is a TRULY easy Shikakui Hebi which I believe doesn't involve a lot of deductions. In the future, harder ones will appear. Good luck!
Edit: I'm truly sorry, but I was missing a rule, so thanks to hexomino for pointing it out. The extra rule is now here.