Partial answer:
- The updated SI unit of $10^3$ kilogrammes is a ton.
The gram used to be the SI base unit for mass, but it was updated to kilogram to refer to the Planck's constant, which can be used to calculate the Planck distance, which is currently the smallest distance with meaningful experimental results. The old definition of gram was defined using the mass of water at 4 degrees Celsius (cold) occupying a cubic centimeter. The gram was first adopted by the French National Convention. "Kilogram" is more widely used than its British English variant "kilogramme". Using "ton" instead of "tonne" loses coherence with "kilogramme".
- A wrist is made up of eight total bones.
The wrist is made up of the scaphoid, trapezium, trapezoid, lunate, capitate, triquetrum, and hamate bones. The snuffbox is a depression formed by tendons near the scaphoid and trapezium bones, and is used for holding powdered tobacco. Snuff can also mean footage of homicide, which is dirty (if I do say so myself) and probably illegal. The word "total" is unnecessary.
- A literature "On The Of Species" by Charles Darwin is on evolutionary biology
The missing word is "Origin". The full title is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life", by Charles Darwin, an English naturalist. The word "literature", when used in singular, usually implies a body of work, even though it used in the sentence to refer just a single piece of work. The sentence also lacks a period at the end.
- The law $F_s = -kx$ is found by someone.
This law is called Hooke's law, discovered by Robert Hooke, an English physicist. It is concerned with objects in simple harmonic motion, having a force proportional to the distance from its equilibrium, like a spring getting smaller after being squashed. It's not "found", but "discovered".
The word choice of "A" and "The" may possibly contribute to the answer.