Recently I have been playing a great mobile game called Dicast: Rules of Chaos and it has inspired me to make this puzzle.
This puzzle proceeds on an infinite number line, where each integer is represented as a cell. You start on the cell marked 0. You have the following ten cards available:
- One: moves you 1 cell to the right
- Two: moves you 2 cells to the right
- Three: moves you 3 cells to the right
- Four: moves you 4 cells to the right
- Five: moves you 5 cells to the right
- Six: moves you 6 cells to the right
- Minus: moves you 1 cell to the left
- Odd: moves you 1, 3 or 5 cells to the right. The number is chosen uniformly at random
- Even: moves you 2, 4 or 6 cells to the right. The number is chosen uniformly at random
- Random: moves you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 cells to the right. The number is chosen uniformly at random
The cards take you straight to the final destination, so you do not visit any other cells in between. You can use each card once and play them in any order. How can you play the cards to guarantee that you land on the most number of distinct primes? In other words, what is the most number of distinct primes can you land on, no matter which random numbers are chosen? Good luck!