
My prefix is where you reside

My suffix is why you hide.

My infix suggests greed,

I also make you read.


Where does everyone reside in?

Note: This is not a duplicate of Riley Riddle What Am I?


2 Answers 2


Similar to QuantumTwinkie, I think the answer is


My prefix is where you reside


My suffix is why you hide.

Possibly ork, a demon from which on should hide, or could also be work.

My infix suggests greed,

Mew = stable usually with living quarters built around a court.
As Quantum Twinkie suggested, could also be me.

I also make you read.

Reading is a big part of homework


Are you


My prefix is where you reside


My suffix is why you hide.

ER can mean Emergency Room, so you may try to hide from something(Covid-19) in order to prevent a visit to the ER.

My infix suggests greed,

"Me" can suggest vanity

I also make you read.

Homer is an ancient Greek author.


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