I really enjoyed this question, so as a summary over all possible interpretations/answers, we have the following:
Case 1: The oracle accepts descriptions of partial computable functions
You should play the game: You can (computably) enumerate all partial functions by just enumerating all programs with proper syntax. See Rex's Answer.
Case 2: The oracle requires all descriptions to be total computable functions
Case 2.1: Your strategy is required to be computable
You shouldn't play the game: See Peter's answer - there is no computable enumeration of total computable functions.
Case 2.2: Your strategy is allowed to not be computable
You should play the game. The total computable functions are a subset of the partial computable functions, and hence countable, so enumerable, though not computably so. See Xnor's answer.
Personally, I think a more interesting game is one in which angel 2 is only allowed to guess the function / consult the oracle $< K$ times for some fixed natural number $K$.
Claim: Such a game should not be played
Similar to A E's answer - for any finite number of known (input, output) pairs, there are an infinite number of possible total computable functions that give such an output. (Note these are still [non-computably] enumerable as earlier, ie I can find a list such that any given function appears at a finite place in my list).
BUT at any finite time, I have not nailed down the given output for definite, and still have an infinite number of possibilities. So I cannot win.
To explain the conceptual difference between these games / these answers, consider this analogy:
Instead, angel one proposes "I am thinking of a fixed natural number $N$. At each step, you're allowed to either ask for the digit at position $p \in \{0, 1, \dots \}$ (ie, the digit representing the number of $10^p$s in my number); OR guess the number. Can you guess my number correctly in a finite number of steps?"
If angel two just guesses digits, they get nowhere: there are always an infinite number of possible numbers out there fitting the information they have received. But if instead they just start guessing possibilities, they could simply ask "Is 1 right? Is 2 right? Is 3 right?..." and definitely win in finite time.
It's a different question working out fast strategies to guess $N$. The above method takes $N$ turns. But you could also you could instead at every $n=2k\,$th step, ask for the $k\,$th digit, $d_k$, of the number, and at every $n=2k+1\,$th step, ask if the number is $d_k d_{k-1} \dots d_1 d_0$. This finds the number in $O(\log(N))$ steps.
Challenge 1: Is it possible to do any better in terms of the running time of angel 2's algorithm? (for this new problem?)
Challenge 2: In the original question (assuming the interpretation as in Case 1), if angel one chooses a partial computable function $\{N\}$ (ie with Gödel number $N$), does there exists / can you create a general algorithm for angel 2 which improves on the trivial worst-case run time of $O(N)$ (like we have done for the analogous problem above)?
I don't actually know the answer to either of these questions... Might think about them if I have a little longer.