French Public Holidays
We consider the following rules that apply to the 11 French public holidays :
- New Year's Day : 1st of January
- Easter Monday : Monday following Easter Sunday which is the next Sunday after the first full moon beginning from Spring's Equinox (approximately 21 march).
- Labour Day : 1st of May
- Victory in Europe Day : 8th of May
- Ascension Day : 39 days after Easter Sunday
- Whit Monday : 50 days after Easter Sunday
- Bastille Day : 14th of July
- Assumption of Mary to Heaven : 15th of August
- All Saints' Day : 1st of November
- Armistice Day : 11th of November
- Christmas Day : 25th of December
Date distance
We here define a pseudo-metric on dates, that we will now on call a distance to simplify for everyone $d:D\times D \longrightarrow \mathbb Z$ where:
- $D$ is the set of all the possible dates.
- $D=\{aaaa/mm/dd\}$
- $aaaa$ is a year, typically $2020$ or $1996$
- $mm$ is a month, typically $04$ for April
- $dd$ is a day
- $d$ will be closely linked to the French Public Holidays in the sense that it counts the number of French Public Holidays between two dates.
- For instance: $d(2020/12/24, 2020/12/26) = 1$ because there is exactly one public holidays between those two dates: Christmas Day.
- Note that $d(2020/12/25,2021/01/01) = 0$ (both bounds are excluded)
- A last example is $d(2020/04/10, 2020/05/10) = 3$
Let us suppose you have $12$ dates to define $\forall (i,j) \in \{1,2,3\}\times \{1,2,3,4\},\quad d_{ij}\in D$. With the constraint that $d_{ij} \ge 2005/11/25$ (this is a symbolic and special day for me) and $d_{ij} \le$ the day this puzzle is posted.
We thus define :
- $r_i = d(d_{i1}, d_{i2}) + d(d_{i2}, d_{i3}) + d(d_{i3}, d_{i4})$
- $\displaystyle c_j = d(\min_i{d_{ij}}, \max_i{d_{ij}})$
$$\begin{array}{rrrr|r} c_1 & c_2 & c_3 & c_4 & \\ \hline d_{11} & d_{12} & d_{13} & d_{14} & r_{1} \\ d_{21} & d_{22} & d_{23} & d_{24} & r_{2} \\ d_{31} & d_{32} & d_{33} & d_{34} & r_{3}\\ \end{array}$$
This calculation puzzle is to compute
$\max z = r_1 + r_2 + r_3 - c_1 - c_2 - c_3 - c_4 + w$
$\displaystyle w = \sum_{i=1}^3\sum_{i'=1, i'\neq i}^3\sum_{j=1}^4\sum_{j'=1, j'\neq j}^4 d(d_{ij},d_{i'j'})$
with all the previous constraint and the final one that:
- $d_{ij} \neq d_{i'j'} \text{ if } i \neq i' \text{ or } j \neq j'$ (all $d_{ij}$ are unique)
Computers are allowed :)