My mother always told me
To try my best
And all the things I wish for
Will come to me
But I’m standing here
And I know
The better I do my puzzling
The further I am from my goal
Which is:
Downloading the latest movies (4)
and making a diamond, (8)
Grabbing a drink with my mates and colleagues (4)
and learning one of Newton’s laws in a small place. (8)
What is my goal?
Hint 1:
The last stanza is ment to give you two words. The first word is hinted in lines 1 and 3, and the second word is hinted in lines 2 and 4.
Hint 2:
If the tag meta-puzzle was defined differently, I would use it for this puzzle (this is the piece that links the first 2 stanza to the solution of the third).
Hint 3:
"When you say 'yes' to others, be sure you are not saying 'no' to yourself" - This is sooo not true for me!
Hint 4:
A small place can be like one m^2.