
Five Managers - K, M, N, O and P - visited five Countries, F, A, B, G and K, such that each manager visited exactly four Countries. Further, each Country has a different capital city from among Merine, Colnia, Prine, Tomato and WaltC. Any person who visited a Country visited its capital city.

It is also known that:

  • For any pair of managers, the number of Countries that both of them visited was at most three.
  • N visited G, but did not visit Prine, while both K and O visited Tomato.
  • O visited F, whose capital city is not Prine, while the capital city of B is not WaltC.
  • Both K and P visited WaltC, while both M and N visited B.
  • P visited Tomato, but he did not visit K the capital city of which is not Colnia.

Source : Me

Which Country did K not visit? A ,F , B , Cannot be determined

Pls tell the approach.


2 Answers 2


K did not visit:



1) P did not visit K, this means he must have visited every other country
2) K cannot be Walt C, Tomato or Colnia. K cannot also be Prine because if K were Prine, N and P would've visited all the same countries. This means that Prine is the capital of A, Merine is the capital of K and N visited F, B, G, K.
3) From here we know that O, K and M all visited both A and K because if they visited neither of them they would've visited the same countries as either N or P.
4) If you assume that O did not visit G, the matrix resolves to K didn't visit B with all information being correct. However, if you assume that O did not visit B, a 50/50 occurs where K or M both may not have visited F or G, however in both these scenarios K will need to either have not visited either Walt C or Tomato, which is impossible as stated in the question.

Visualization of part 4:


End of Step 3

Correct Assumption:

Correctly Finished Chart

50/50 Chance after incorrect assumption:

Another 50/50 chance

Both Outcomes to the incorrect:

Incorrect because K didn't visit WaltC Incorrect because K didn't visit WaltC

  • $\begingroup$ Can you pls elaborate on (4) ? I didnt understand that part... $\endgroup$
    – sam
    Oct 22, 2018 at 14:51
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @sam I've added pictures to illustrate part 4 $\endgroup$ Oct 23, 2018 at 4:48

The answer is


My approach was to fill a tabular with left entries : KMNOP an FABGK and top entries : FABGK and CPTWM.

I put a cross in the case MB if M visited B or a circle if he did ot visit. Similarly there is a cross in PA if Prine is not the capital of A.


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