Grandpa likes Greenwich US
Racquetball was invented in Greenwich, CT, by Joe Sobek who printed the rules there in 1952.
Grandpa likes Harrow UK
Squash was invented in Harrow School, UK, out of the older game rackets around 1830.
Grandpa likes Pune India
Badminton was popular in Pune, India, where the rules for the game were drawn up in 1873.
Hints: All places have something related to them. Grandpa is in great shape, He is physically fit.
Grandpa likes places where racket sports were codified/invented.
Taking a swing at the three places Grandpa doesn't like thanks to Deem:
Grandpa keeps shape and avoids board games. Tries below but I'm unsure of the exact ones.
New York
Scrabble was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts who was resident in Jackson Heights, New York, and it was there that the game of Scrabble was invented. To memorialize Butts's importance to the invention of the game, there is a street sign at 35th Avenue and 81st Street in Jackson Heights, with their values in Scrabble as a subscript. Butts studied the front page of The New York Times to calculate how frequently each letter of the alphabet was used. He then used each letter's frequency to determine how many of each letter he would include in the game. He included only four "S" tiles so that plurals would not make the game too easy.
The Settlers of Catan. Its popularity in the US has gotten it dubbed “The board game of our time” by The Washington Post. It also featured in the 2012 American documentary film titled Going Cardboard, which details the game’s impact on American gaming communities.It was created by Klaus Teuber who was working as a dental technician outside Darmstadt, Germany.
Bakugan Battle Brawler and Balderdash were both developed in Toronto. Also Tabletop hockey was first designed by Toronto’s Donald H. Munro in 1933 - but perhaps Grandpa likes this.