This surprisingly beguiling puzzle may also be solved
with a surprisingly unsophisticated approach.
Symmetry, by itself, predicts the average length of
evens-only sequences ending with 6 to be...
...1 1⁄2 throws.
Start with T  many random throws:
2153664315121226553111444142566363625461525 . . 3644464461
Sift them into 4 groups that,
due to symmetric criteria, are each expected
to include T⁄4 throws.
Every 1 and any preceding 2s/4s:  
21......1.121......1114441.............1... . . .........1
Every 3 and any preceding 2s/4s:  
...3..43..........3............3.3......... . . 3.........
Every 5 and any preceding 2s/4s:  
..5......5......55........425......25...525 . . ..........
Every 6 and any preceding 2s/4s:  
....66.......226.............66.6.6..46.... . . .64446446.
The last group, of 6s and their preceding 2s/4s,
precisely contains every evens-ending-with-6
sequence considered by the puzzle.
The number of such sequences is just the original number of 6s,
as every 6 is in exactly one such sequence.
From 6’s symmetry with the other 5 equally-likely
throws —1, 2,
3, 4 and 5 — that
number is expected to be
T ⁄6 sequences.
(Average length)   =  
(number of throws in these sequences)
(number of sequences)
T ⁄4 throws
T ⁄ 6 sequences
1 1⁄2 throws /sequence.
The expected number of rolls seems suspiciously small but,
as seen among the example throws above,
it reflects the likelihood that
most evens-ending-with-6 sequences will
be just 1 roll long, a lone 6.
This does make sense after all by noting that
each sequence-ending 6 has
4⁄6  chance of
following a 1, 3, 5 or 6(!) that
allows no prior rolls to count in that 6’s sequence.
The condition “all throws gave even numbers”
is a potent red herring that suggests 6s
have equal status to 2s and 4s.
Their status is not equal, however,
after retaining all 6s originally rolled
but discarding the 3⁄4  of 2s/4s
that did not lead to 6s.
This solution’s approach does have a loose end, literally, as
commented by Artur Kirkoryan.
Any stretch of T  throws could end
with a streak of 2s/4s that might extend
to become a qualifying sequence of any length if allowed to continue.
That comment and
Deusovi’s reminder
to take density into account
lead to the realization that possible 2s/4s loose ends
would need an infinite expected length to make a difference
because any bounded expectation would have a vanishing effect
as T  increases without limit.
This further leads to acknowledgment that
the evens-ending-with-6 sequences in question
are only assumed, not proven, to have a finite expected length.
Presumption of their nonetheless having a bounded expectation
forces any 2s/4s loose ends to also have a bounded expectation
and thus not undermine this solution’s approach.
This solution ensued from surprise at the
match between the 4 kinds of non-2s/4s throws and the
1⁄4  fraction
of undiscarded throws exhibited by a
routine’s simulating a million throws at a time.
( defun RollEm (many)
( let ( (i many) (sixes 0) (streakSum 0) (streak 0) )
( while (>= (setq i (1- i)) 0)
( pcase (1+ (random 6))
( 2 ( setq streak (1+ streak) ) )
( 4 ( setq streak (1+ streak) ) )
( 6 ( setq sixes (1+ sixes) )
( setq streakSum (+ streakSum streak 1) )
( setq streak 0 ) )
( else ( setq streak 0 ) )
) )
( insert ( format "\n%d (%d%%) undiscarded throws / %d streaks = %.3f\n"
( / ( + (* 200 streakSum) many) (* 2 many) )
( / (float streakSum) sixes )
) ) ) )
(RollEm 1000000) 249372 (25%) undiscarded throws / 166527 streaks = 1.497
"" 250234 (25%) undiscarded throws / 166972 streaks = 1.499
"" 249503 (25%) undiscarded throws / 166256 streaks = 1.501
"" 250777 (25%) undiscarded throws / 166953 streaks = 1.502
"" 249947 (25%) undiscarded throws / 166791 streaks = 1.499