Is it
Not an ocean nor the sun
on maps, land is often shown as green where ocean is blue. The sun is yellow
Something you are when you've just begun
someone new at something is often referred to as 'green'
Don't eat me as I am even though you can
Many green fruits aren't ripe yet, you need to wait to eat them later.
A party that few seeks, be careful of the freaks.
could be referencing the rather unpopular green party in US politics (@kayzeroshort)
Shares shade with a viper
poison is often colored green in cartoons and such
And though woods hold a tiger
woods are green, but a tiger's stripes work to camoflage it without the green color because it mimics patterns of light and shadow, as opposed to color.
Edit: Tiger Woods plays golf on a putting 'green' (@kayzeroshort)
In a desert you'd oft not see.
Not much green in a desert!
Can you guess what word inspired me?