As most math enthusiasts know, EMIRPs are Prime Numbers which are also prime numbers when reversed. Like 17 which when reversed to 71 is also a prime number.
Here is a Game or Puzzle based on 5 digit EMIRPs and borrowing part of Sudoku.
It involves a Grid shown below
The grid has a center BLACK box with 3 x 3 grid. It is surrounded by FOUR RED boxes with 1 x 3 (or 3 x 1) spaces.
The Black box needs to be filled out with numbers 1 thru 9 (NO REPEATS) The RED boxes will be filled out with numbers 1, 3, 7 or 9.
After filling out the numbers all the Rows and all the Columns MUST REPRESENT 5 DIGIT EMIRPS. Also the 3 numbers in the individual RED box cannot repeat, they must be distinct.
Example: Top one is the puzzle/game and bottom one is one answer. ALL 5 digit numbers in the three rows and columns are EMIRPS
There are hundreds of permutations and combinations but if numbers are chosen for the grid you get unique answers.
Here is one puzzle