Alternate answer: [non competing]
A knife in a gunfight / cake shop
Ten million pies in a year
Or so it seems to my ear
Used to cut fools / pies every year
I'm around when you want more
It would be tempting to pick up your knife if you were an aggressive vigilante who wanted to take on gun wielding fiends / also around when you want more cake
But the smallest sliver is in store
A cut from a knife will usually be a small sliver and not a gaping wound / if you're getting a sample cake you get a tiny sliver
I'm here if you want to fight
;) ;) ;) / fighting the person who served you for more cake
Silver is a lovely sight
The glint of the blade in the light
I approve: I'm sure you agree
Again catering to the aggressive vigilante tenancy's / overeating is always approved by knife
I'm quick, but can't win, you see?
Well you did bring a knife to a gun fight / you can't win against eating food and getting fat, but it's so quick to fall down that hole