What’s better than an ordinary ellipse? A super ellipse, of course.
And what’s better than a superellipse? That’s right, a superellipse and a square.
But who can plot both of those luxury items? Anyone, with a single function you can make at home.
Here are implicit function plots of a superellipse, two squares, and a handy almost-superellipse loop.
$$\require{begingroup} \begingroup \def \K { \kern-.5em } \def \p #1#2{ | {2 \over \large\raise.2ex\pi} #1 \kern.1em | ^ {#2} \! } \begin{matrix} &&&& \small\sf \rlap { In~the~lap~of~luxury } &&& &&&& \small\sf \rlap{ On~a~budget } \\[2ex] \small\sf Loop &&& \large {\raise.2ex 1 \over 2\surd2} &\K = &\K f(x,y) & \K = & \K \p x{2.5} + \p y{2.5} &&& 1 & \K = & \K h \, (x{+}y \, ,x{-}y) \\[1ex] \small\sf Square &&& 1 &\K = &\K g(x,y) & \K = & \K \p x\infty + \p y\infty &&& 0 & \K = & \K h \, (x{+}y \, ,x{-}y) \end{matrix} \kern2em \\ \tiny\strut \endgroup$$
The status- conscious among us may impress themselves by recognizing $ {\raise.2ex 1 \over 2\surd2} = f(x,y) $ as nothing less than a genuine superellipse, yet the handy-dandy $\raise-.5ex\strut 1 = h \, (x{+}y \, ,x{-}y) $ is almost identical, with 12 common points and less than .011 of maximum separation.
Counting typographically, $f(x,y)$ and $g(x,y)$ are defined by 19 and 15 raw components, respectively, including fraction lines, decimal points, and everything else after the equals signs.
Can you define
with fewer than 10 raw components?
The only components available are those already present in the definitions of $f$ and $g$, as well as all other digits and constants, along with any other letters as long as they spell out trigonometric functions.   Every letter counts, so, for example, ${ \small\raise .5ex \unicode {8220} } \kern-2mu \sin \kern-3mu { \small\raise.5ex \unicode{8221} }$ would contribute 3 components.
Both loops pass through $( \pm { \Large\pi \over \large 4 } , \pm { \Large\pi \over \large4 } )$ and the squares’ sides are at $x = \pm { \Large\pi \over \large 2 }$ and $y = \pm { \Large\pi \over \large2 }$.   Portions of the Cartesian plane beyond the square may contain other points and curves.   Never mind that $g(x,y)$ is defined casually and without regard to the square’s vertices.
Online freebies that helped in preparation
and could help in solution:
Function Grapher
– Good with explicit plots; no ads.
MathGrapher at eMathHelp
– Good with implicit plots, sometimes bad with pop-up ads.